The Millennials are the generation that have explored new situations that no generation before has experienced, from mass migration to mass consumption of an online world. This has culminated into new directions for future generations that shapes the outcome of how we communicate across the globe, and how we interact across generation lines.
As the first digital natives, Millennials are continuously connected to the online and social media worlds. They are tech savvy with every gadget imaginable becoming an extension of their identity. This has led to the multi-tasking generation of talking, listening, texting and searching for information seamlessly and simultaneously.
This access to the world around them has given rise to the opportunities of migration on a global scale. Growing up as an expat is increasingly becoming more of the norm. This breaking of boundaries between borders has Millennials to begin welcoming diversity by being more open to meeting new people of different ethical and cultural backgrounds.
While this increased globalization has created optimism, Millennials have also been forced to face the consequences of this new found freedom. Overload of online information can spark rumors, while mass migration highlights the continuous inequalities between the “haves” and “have-nots” between Millennials.
These aspects that have shaped Generation Y have also influenced previous generations and generations to come. During TEDxStockholm’s Generation WHY? event we will talk more about it and will try to better understand where do we stand today, and where we are heading.
Purchase your TEDxStockholm Generation WHY? ticket here.
Besides fantastic live speakers and opportunities to meet new people, we offer you a new form of not only sharing ideas, but sharing one’s time. We encourage everyone attending this event, to open up to new social interactions, and share a great experience with someone new.
So, how can you share and trade your own time with others? Our partner “Time Village” has come up with a new platform. Each event participant will receive a coupon. With this coupon, you can visit our Time Village TEDx webpage, and exchange your time with others.
You can also offer your time to anyone from our community and encourage your friends and colleagues to do so even if you aren’t able to attend the event. Start time sharing!
Date: November 12th, 2015
Time: The event starts at 17.00. Registration begins at 16.00.
Location: Karolinska Institutet, Aula Medica